Amy Flynt

"Who ...? Oh no. Am I right that you are looking for 'her'? Even someone like me can't make sense of whatever that girl is up to; and I am trying really hard, so. Why .. don't you go and see for yourself, yes?"

- A Wandering Minstrel

~Before reading up on the story, please consider experiencing it with the original playlist on Spotify. The playlist is made so it tells a story of its own including the song titles and the music/lyrics by themselve.

The story of Amy Flynt is a complex one and those who encounter her along her way experience that in many different ways. This is a chronological summary of commonly known facts about her, they are more or less 'easily' researchable if you know where to look for the information

Year 1563 of the Sixth Astral EraShe is born into the Miqo'te F-Tribe in the middle of the southern Sagolii Desert. Growing up in the timebubble of her tribe's oasis she did not experience civilization until much later.

Year 5 of the Seventh Umbral Era
By the age of 15 she left her tribe, brandishing herself irreversibly as an Outcast to her own family. The reasons for this motivation are not documented. It is noted that the journey, starting at her tribe and ending at the gates of the Citystate of Uldah, took exceptionally long. Whatever happened to delay her by almost ten times the length usual travelers take for such a distance is not documented.

Transition of the Era
The only early traces of her are a declined application into the Ranks of the local Adventurer Guild as well as the Immortal Flames. Her name appears again in the records of the Gladiators Guild in which she scored first place in one of its yearly big tournaments. Subsidised by her winnings she becomes a member of the Adventurers Guild shortly after. Appearing more and more in the surroundings of the Citystate she also made her way to Limsa Lominsa as well as Gridania. With Operation Archon marking a key event of the time, she also enrolled as one of the youngest teamleaders into the Immortal Flames, successfully contributing to Operation Archon.

Year 1 of the Seventh Astral Era
The date on which Amy concludes her military service aligns perfectly with the then 'Assassination of the Sultana'. She focuses on her career as an adventurer and sets out north towards Revenants Toll and beyond.

Year 2-4 of the Seventh Astral Era
She reappears with the conclusion of the Dragonsong War. It is unclear what she did up north but there are no documentations found about her activities. At the same time, a trading company opens it's doors for the public in Limsa Lominsa. 'Flynt Trading Co' sells all kinds of artifacts, treasures, rarities and knick-knacks. The Shop is owned by Amy and her then-spouse Rengu Flynt. They soon start to expand their business with a branch establishment in every Citystate, including Ishgard and Revenants Toll. Later even Ala Mhigo, Kugane, Doma and Thavnair.

Year 5-7 of the Seventh Astral Era
Taking part in the Liberation and the Doman Resistance, Rengu and Amy set out for Kugane to establish their first shop outside of Eorzea. In the homeland of Ninjas she is eager to learn more techniques that compliment her stylistic weapon art with two daggers. Shortly after the success of the resistance with the collapse of Doma Castle Amy vanishes from the face of the earth.
For a time she was declared as 'missing in action' by her Squadron only to come back in the body of a Highlander. This is the first mention of her changing forms.

Year 8-9 of the Seventh Astral Era
The Garlean Empire being pushed back almost to its original borders her life changes into a more stable routine. Working back and forth between trading, fighting and traveling she immerses herself into the nightlife scene where she gets to know Paranpu Leporine and Berinima Swiftblade, resulting in the founding of the Catwalk Nightlife Agency. Turmoils on the Bozjan Southern Front draw her attention and she has to pause her nightlife activities only to 'get lost' yet again for half a year and adding to the chaotic pile of fables and rumours surrounding 'The Blue Devil'.
Needless to say that recent developments in Sharlayan, Thavnair and Garlemald only contributed to how busy the Blue Devil Squadron gets deployed from place to place, Amy always at the very front of it. When seen on the battlefield it becomes clear that she started to mix her martial arts some time ago already. Switching from two daggers to a claymore and even a scythe and unwordly dark powers, it's unclear where or how she obtained this ferociousness with which she sprints straight into a rain of bullets or a crowd of enemies. What counts for her is the result which indoubtebly stands in her favor.

Year 10 of the Seventh Astral EraRecently, Amy broke up with her yearlong spouse who stays to be a friend and business partner, while she focuses on music and the band with which she plays at Venues when time allows. Having a most trustful and talented bassist by her side it was only a matter of time before her and Alores Sanctus got together. They celebrate their first Anniversary soon and are rarely seen seperated from each other. If they are, it is most likely about business matters or adventuring, in which her now wife does not indulge as much as Amy does.

At some point Amy decided to pick up a camera trying to preserve memories for herself, later also as a service for her clients. She opened her own independent Photo Studio but also does shots in private environments. / Guitarist
Similar to her approach at the camera, she picked up a guitar and started to play it in private. Jumping a stage in a local pub she soon drew attention, with the result of her very own punkrock band forming.
Naturally, someone in her position felt the need to not rely on external sources. This made her learn how to create, edit and rewrite sheet music into a format or style that benefits the band. Old time classics get a total fresh up with a gritty guitar sound under her feather.

Amy is an adventurer for life and she has come across many countries on her travels, always signing in to the local Guilds, clearing their boards and assignments as good she can.
Around the time the Ala Mhigan borders crumbled against the Eorzean Alliance, there was an Adventurer Squadron formed called 'The Blue Devils'. Formerly all being part of the Immortal Flames, it consists of Amy Flynt as a Captain as well as a handful of Corporals and a good dozen of battle hardened Adventurers. The Squadron takes trainees every now and then and deploys itself regularly into the most dangerous and suicidal environments it can reach. Against all odds they seem to stand their ground and rumour has it, their Captain fights as if she wants to die on every single assignment.
During Operation Archon, The Liberation, the Doman Resistance and the Bozjan Southern Front she played her role among the fighters. One might assume she also participated in the Dragonsong War but she seems to have vanished during that time.
Crafter / Trader
Occasionally scouting markets, boards or even crafting things for the 'Flynt Trading Co.' are part of her daily life. Especially in Ul'dah, Ishgard and Kugane she can be seen from time to time just wandering around.
Rogues' Guild
There is a rumour that Amy was part of this guild in her early times as an adventurer. Asking for her name won't get you far as the people there will quickly change the topic or dismiss you right away not to bother them.
Forgotten Springs
Whenever someone in the desolate village of southern Thanalan wants to tell their kids a very scary story they tell the story of 'the Blue Devil'. The story says that a blue devil once came from the south in disguise of a wounded huntress. Nursing the huntress back into shape, she started to set fire to the village and wreak havoc among the citizens. Since that day the people of Forgotten Springs are more averse to outsiders than ever.
Skysteel Manufactory
Amy is a continuous business partner of the Manufactory, with many custom designed pieces being made only for her and for which she payed indescribable amounts of gil.
The Goblins of northern Dravania are very fond of her. It is not clear when, but she did help them a lot in the reconstruction of the City as well as fighting for them in the field and gathering scrap to tinker with.
Athenaeum Astrologicum
Also among the Astrologers of Ishgard Amy seems to have business partners. One dedicated scholar is even signed up into her service directly, the reasons are not clear but it involves some kind of collaborative gadget between the Astrologicum and the Skysteel Manufactory .. namely the 'Aether Marble'.
The Blue Devils have taken on a handful of re-summoned Primals already. This suggests that Amy, if not even the whole Squadron, has received the Blessing of Light. They concentrate on Eorzean Primals because of the knowledge that accumulated about them, leaving out those of eastern or even more exotic cultures.
Aura (not the Race)
Amy can often be observed refering to people not by their looks but rather by 'them' or 'their signature'. Some people might dismiss this fact as a quirk, but maybe there is a connection to the blindfold she insists she 'only wears because it feels nice and hides my expression!'.

Join the revolution. Real people and real music will make you forget bot-bards playing Despacito in Limsa.
(click image for website)

After a few years of work in the nightlife scene she founded her own agency with her partner Alores, which focuses on photography, music and entertainment purposes.
(click image to open discord)

If you want to contact her directly, you can do so with a message to her tomestone.
(click image to open discord)